Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Masa Masa Kecil

karena sedang ada tugas dari kampus untuk menceritakan masa masa ketika saya dahulu di taman kanak kanak :)
saya akan berbagi cerita sedikit walau agak narsis :)
Langsung aja deh ya

          in my childhood was one less active with my friends. Less active here means I am not able to close or familiar with new people and a new world around me. The following is a photo of me when I was in kindergarten :

You could say I was the one who lack friends just having some alone and even then not very close with my friends.
At the time of school entry proclamation early childhood my childhood just sit still and pay attention to the teacher, and after my time comes to go home directly behind my house.
However, most children in the habit of my masaseumuran kindergarten plumpness as active children and many ergaulan and have lots of friends to play together yet so different from me.
If the child out in the garden first child I preferred playing football with my male friends in my school. because if you ask me to play football I can take what's in my heart and make me happy and excited when playing with my friends.
I am very happy to play to play, but when I was in kindergarten I used to just be friends with only good friends, both here means not nasty to others and does not interfere with other friends friends.
I do not like to make friends with friends who like to do ignorant to my other friends.
When I was in kindergarten I used to love to play: Football, cooking-cooking, and playing jump rubber. Among all these games I like the most is playing football and jumping rubber.
Games that I do not like when I was a kid was: Guli, bonekaan and barbie dolls.
I was out in the garden school child child enough lam about 2 years I went to school in kindergarten. Also happened to be my kindergarten school close to my home. So whenever I want to go home I go home my heart's content.
Because why should schools far away that a waste of money and it costs only if the school is not far from the home-selling can be cost effective and that there is need to stay home alone.
When I was in kindergarten I included a girl who like men or to say tomboy. because I am friends with most of the male friends not only in school in my neighborhood alone most of my friends are men.
Every day I supplied food by my parents so I rarely eat snacks outside food. I have experience in kindergarten when it first came home after school when I would go home and change my school clothes with regular clothes.
Because I was scared of my school clothes dirty so I change clothes. After I change my school clothes, I will definitely be back again to my kindergarten school, because I really like to play around in my school environment. although since childhood or before school I used to play for my school's kindergarten school but when I was in school I never felt bored with the game in the school's kindergarten.
When I first Nursery school I really like to climb one of the trees in my nursery school is. If no one tree is the guava tree. Although the tree does not bear fruit I really like to climb trees especially trees that are fruiting Seang I'd rather climb a tree again.

makasi sudah mau singgah sebentar untuk melihat cerita saya :)

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